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Showing posts from November, 2014

Free things available - no takers

It was a social meeting with a doctor friend, Anil, to celebrate his 50th birthday. Amy, a home maker and a school mate of the doc, was suffering from disturbed digestive system as a chronic problem and has been to many a doctors. She spent a mini fortune in getting various tests conducted but somehow no accurate diagnosis could be made. Amy brought this issue with Anil who is an ENT specialist, but a doc is a doc. Anil asked her a few general questions. To cut the long story short it emerged that Amy was not drinking enough water. She used to take about 250ml a day as drinking water. Anil suggested her to gradually increase it to 2L per day.  A few months later, Amy brought a big cake for Anil to say thanks as she was feeling fine. Gets me thinking! Why do we ignore things that are free for us for our good. A few thoughts: - water. Does not cost (much), has no calories, has no awkward taste, easily available but do we take enough of it - air. Omnipresent, no cost, no calories

Multi tasking of diffusion of efforts

I was leisurely reading the weekend edition of newspapers. It was interesting read on a subject that I normally would not spend time during the work day despite my interest or so I think. As I finished halfway through the article my phone rang and I picked it without giving it a thought. Turned out to be soliciting call for an insurance policy. I started reading again from where I left but took me a short while to go the precise point I left reading. Another paragraph later, it was an SMS alert to which I again attended to breaking my reading. I finished reading the article but thinking now that did I do justice to my interest? Did the article not deserve my uninterrupted attention. I may have accomplished the tasks of reading, responding to a phone call and going through the SMS on my phone but did I do justice to my interest and the article?