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Showing posts from April, 2014

Rich are spendthrifts

Its a rich (wo)man's world! Life is all cosy for the rich. They live in large mansions, have limousines at their disposal, servants all around, top brands and what not. Eat in top hotels and restaurants, Caviar and Champagne is their regular choice. Absolutely right.... ummmmm Going beyond stereotypes, rich are not after all the EXPENSIVE things all the time. They tend to seek a self satisfaction. On a recent visit to one of the richest countries in the world, Switzerland, I felt a completely different world of the RICH. It started with the research on various blogs and travel sites. Was amazed at the flurry of advise the the RICH people as to how to save money. The advise ranged from using 2nd class in trains as the benefit of 1st class does not commensurate with the price you pay to the fact that one should take "picnic" in trains includig own wine as most Swiss do. It was quite a surprise to see that actually most Swiss do so. The reasons vary but large