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Showing posts from August, 2014

When silence is not golden!

I was surprised at Preety's no response to a mail following our discussion three weeks ago. She has always been very forthright with her comments and been open about sharing those even when contradictory to the common belief. I have known Preety for over a decade and shared a mutual professional respect in the department we were working. She was highly opinionated and stood her ground almost in all cases but never compromising on her commitment to decisions taken even when those decisions were not in line with her belief. With this background I was very surprised that she did not respond to a query following a discussion on a problem I was facing. Am I expecting too much? This behaviour is so unlike her! She has been exchanging messages on IM but on the mail - a silence. How do I find out what is behind this? I am sure there is an answer. But, for me. silence is not golden in this case.